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How Animal Communication Works: Buca's Story

Many years ago I did an animal talk with a woman named Jenn and her two dogs, Buca (a golden-brown Border Collie/Chow mix) and R/T (a yellow Lab).


Buca was Jenn’s heart dog, having lived with her for 13 years. The first photo Jenn sent me when inquiring about a talk, was taken the day Buca passed away (above). 


Jen’s grief over losing Buca was deep. They had been through much together and it was clear that Buca had been a faithful protector, supportive ally, good friend, and so much more. Partway through our talk, Jenn brought my attention to this photo and the light dancing around Buca’s fur. 


As we talked on, Buca and R/T referenced their healing support during a very serious situation that occurred around the birth of Jenn’s daughter Kinley. The dogs spoke about "having a paw" in helping to watch over Kinley, even though they were far away (Kinley was rushed via flight for life to Children’s Hospital NICU 8 hours away from home). The image I saw was a network of warm golden light — a loosely-woven energy in a tapestry of light and love emanating from the dogs and spirit guides and an angelic presence as well. I did my best to express this to Jenn, but wasn’t sure if she fully understood. Sometimes it is hard to translate feelings and visions that we don’t ordinarily perceive or acknowledge in the waking world.


I sensed that Buca was still present with Jenn and would continue to be for as long as she needed. Buca was aligned with the family, protective of them all, still watchful and caring, just as she had been in physical reality.


Jenn shared that her husband was empathic and often felt Buca’s presence, but that she did not. Yet, she craved to feel Buca — to know without a doubt that Buca was still here in spirit. I sensed Buca very much around Jenn and her family, at times brushing her spirit up close to Jenn, attempting to help her feel and know that all was well. Buca’s advice was to encourage Jenn to move away from thoughts of trying to see her, to simply being open to feeling and sensing what is. 


We ended our talk on a good note and I began closing the photos of Buca on my computer screen. The last one I came to was the first one that Jenn had sent. As I clicked it shut, I sensed that there was something significant in the image, though it wasn’t clear to me what that might be.

For the next few days I felt a few fleeting nudges from Buca, a kind of “I’m here!” footnote to our talk. Early one morning as I woke, still immersed in the twilight space between dreams and waking, I felt Buca once again, and suddenly saw the connection between the photo and the angelic net of light that Buca referenced with Kinley’s birth. The warm golden color around the tips of her fur was similar to the network of healing connection that was activated around Kinley as she struggled to recover. 

As soon as I understood, I heard Buca loud and clear. She wanted me to let Jenn know that this is how Jenn could see her: as sunlight, as spirit-energy reflecting from water or tree leaves, or simply as a rush of warm golden sunshine. I felt the presence of Buca infused within this light.

I emailed Jenn and asked if she had a few minutes to talk. I had a busy morning coming up, but as soon as I sent my message everything flowed — Jenn was online and emailed right back, and within minutes we were talking on the phone. I told her about the light, about Buca wanting me to share that with her and encourage her to feel, to trust, to know that she is still present. 

I could hear the tears in Jenn’s voice as she told me that she knew exactly what Buca was saying. She shared that only yesterday, while walking with R/T through a wooded area, some warm rays of sunshine triggered a moment of open feeling in which she knew Buca was present. 

Here is a recall of the event in Jenn’s words: “I took R/T for a hike on some state wildlife land that I used to take both Buca and R/T hiking on a lot.  As R/T and I were hiking I was looking for signs of Buca everywhere, maybe some old tracks, fur, even poop, but didn't come across anything.  As we headed back to the car I was a little disappointed and sad because I didn't see any signs of Buca and I missed having her with us.  We were walking behind a large hill so we were in the shade, but as we came around the hill and stepped into the sunlight it became so warm instantly.  It was in that moment of warmth from the sunlight that I felt Buca and I finally started to understand that Buca's energy is all around me."  

Yes, I thought, exactly so! There was the spirit of Buca, smiling from the heart, emanating her bright love for Jenn and her human family. How wonderful for a dog to share in this way! 

Sometimes we need others to confirm what we already know or sense or feel. Jen emailed a short time after our conversation: “I just wanted to say Thank You again so much for delivering Buca's message to us this morning. It truly meant a lot to me and I feel like I am finally feeling Buca all around me now.  For that I am so grateful, because I can't imagine this world without her energy in it. My mind has been racing all over the place today with this new found sense of awareness…


PS I've attached a picture of Buca looking out for Kinley shortly after we returned home from the NICU.  It's extremely comforting to know that Buca will always be looking out for her little sister.

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